JSM ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Manage Attendance, OD, OT, Shifts, Weekly off & Holiday Working, Comp Off And Work From Home. Attendance Machine Linking. Auto calculation of Attendance Incentives and Shift Allowances
JSM Attendance Management Software

JSM Attendance Management Software is an 19 Years Old Advanced Attendance Management System which automates all Attendance activities in an organization.

JSM Attendance Software automates all attendance related activities in an organization. JSM Attendance Management Software has provision for Shift Management, Over Time rules and workflows, Weekly Off and Holidays rostering, Organization specific rules for Attendance Incentives, Half Day and Full Day working and Shift Allowances can be set. JSM has various options for importing attendance data. Clients can import attendance data either from excel or from attendance machine with manual overriding option. JSM can import attendance data from any attendance machine. JSM can import attendance data either real time or monthly basis or periodic basis as defined by the client. All Employees have provision for Attendance regularisation online. JSM has a work from home module too. All Out Door Duty processes are fully automated. In JSM Attendance Management System all activities done by employees in the ESS Software have mailing and auto mailing features.

    Special Features
  • Auto Emailing

    JSM Attendance Management Software lets u set email ids for auto emailing

  • Email Field Settings

    JSM Attendance Management Software lets u select fields you wish to show in the body of an email. Attendance Management Software allows you to set for each workflow what fields should appear in the body of the email which is sent to employees. This can be done for each workflow and each event for each workflow. So when an Employee applies for leave JSM Attendance Management Software allows you to select which fields you wish to show when the reporting manager gets the mail. Similarly when manager approves or rejects a leave you can select which fields should be shown in the mail which employee shall get.

  • Reminder Email Field Settings

    JSM Attendance Management System lets u select fields you wish to show in the body of an reminder email. JSM Attendance Management Software has facility to generate a reminder email on certain events. JSM Attendance Management Software allows you to set for each workflow what fields should appear in the body of the email which is sent to employees. This can be done for each workflow and each event for each workflow.

  • Workflow Email Configuration

    JSM Attendance Management Software lets u select employees or Groups of employees to whom mail should be sent by Attendance software on certain events. For each Workflow you can select for each event (Apply, approve, reject) to whom mail should go. Example - JSM Attendance Management System allows you to configure for Workflow - Leave - for event - Apply for leave - to whom email should be sent. You can choose - Self, Supervisor, Approver, HOD, CEO, HR, Finance, Admin, or Any other employee. In each of the above options you can also choose employee name. Lets say you want only 1 person in HR to receive a mail for leave or Branch office as well as HO HR person to receive - all this is configurable at user level.

  • Reminder Email Settings

    JSM Attendance Management System lets u select employees or Groups of employees to whom reminder mail should be sent by JSM Attendance Management software on certain events. You can also configure rules for reminder mails which could include days before or after an event.

  • Attendance Masters

    JSM Attendance Management Software allows you to define all kinds of attendance types like – P, Absent, leave without pay, OD, Training, Suspension, etc.

  • Attendance Policies

    JSM Attendance Management System allows you to define all your attendance policies in JSM Software. You can define half day or full day policies, LOP policies etc. You can define early going and late coming policies.

  • Weekly Off Masters

    JSM Attendance Management System allows you to define Weekly off as per your requirements. You can define different weekly off policies for different Group companies, branches, factories, Divisions, Departments, Grades, Levels, designations, Appointment types and Employee Categories or employee wise.

  • Holiday Masters

    JSM Attendance Management System allows you to define Holidays as per your requirements. You can define different Holidays for different Group companies, branches, factories, Divisions, Departments, Grades, Levels, designations, Appointment types and Employee Categories or employee wise. You can define Holiday types. You can define mandatory and options holidays and max limits.

  • Shift Masters

    JSM Attendance Management System allows you to define as many shifts as per your requirements. You can define different shifts for different Group companies, branches, factories, Divisions, Departments, Grades, Levels, designations, Appointment types and Employee Categories or employee wise.

  • OT Policies

    JSM Attendance Management System allows you to define OT policies as per your requirements. You can define different OT policies for different Group companies, branches, factories, Divisions, Departments, Grades, Levels, designations, Appointment types and Employee Categories. You can define OT Rates or amounts, single or Double and many more.

  • Roistering - Weekly Off, Holiday and Shift

    JSM Attendance Management System allows you to do shift, Weekly Off and Holiday roistering as per your requirements. You can define roistering in many ways, it could be Divisions, Departments, Grades, Levels, designations, Appointment types and Employee Categories or employee wise

  • Monthly Attendance

    JSM allows you to enter Monthly Attendance in many ways, you can enter or import Monthly attendance. You can import or enter date wise or monthly summary. You also have option just to import or enter LOP days alone. You can modify any attendance related data to meet specific requirements.

  • Monthly Attendance Import

    JSM Attendance Management System allows you to import Monthly attendance from excel or an attendance machine. You can have real time connectivity or a month end import for the whole month. You have facility to modify data based on exceptions found.

  • Daily Attendance- by Employee - ESS

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to enter daily attendance. Facility for supervisor to check daily attendance of his employees and approve attendance.

  • My attendance - ESS

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to check his / her monthly attendance date wise. An Employee can report discrepancies and request for regularisation of attendance.

  • OD - ESS

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to apply for Out Door Duty and get approval from his manager. Managers can log in and check OD requests and approve / disapprove the same. OD approved are directly taken in the Monthly Attendance module and linked to Payroll too.

  • Working on Weekly off / Holidays - ESS

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to apply for Weekly off or Holiday working and get approvals. Managers can log in and check requests and approve / disapprove the same. Weekly Off or Holiday workings that are approved, are directly taken in the Monthly Attendance module and linked to Payroll too. These are then directly linked to Comp off balances.

  • Comp Off -ESS

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to apply for Comp off against a Holiday or Weekly off working and get approvals Managers can log in and check Comp off requests and approve / disapprove the same. Comp off approved are directly taken in the Monthly Attendance module and linked to Payroll too.

  • Work From Home- ESS

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to apply for Work from home and get approvals. Managers can log in and check Work from Home requests and send approvals. Work from home approved are directly taken in the Monthly Attendance module and linked to Payroll too.

  • Calendar - Holiday, Working on Weekly off and Comp Off.

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to check the Holiday and Comp off Calendar thereby making data available to all stakeholders.

  • Restricted Holidays / Options Holidays / Festivals Workflow - ESS

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives each employee facility to apply for Restricted or Festival holidays and check approval status. Managers can log in and check requests and approve or disapprove.

  • Workflow Approver Module

    JSM Attendance Management Software through ESS gives HR Admin facility to set approvers and approval policies and levels as per their requirements.

  • Report Options

    Facility to take out reports Branch Wise, Date Wise, Between 2 Periods (From Date and To Date). Facility to take out Leave Register Leave Type wise or all Leave Types. In Attendence Reports facility to take our printout Date Wise Detailed or Summary or between a specified Time Range of In Time and Out Time.

  •  Attendence Masters

    Reports on organization rules and regulations of related to Attendence.

  • Attendence Machine

    JSM Attendance Software provides you with Attendence In-Out Reports, and Employee Punch Card reports.

  • Monthly Attendence

    JSM Payroll Software provides a comprehensive range of Attendence reports. Some of these are - Daily Attendence Report, Muster Roll and Days Worked.


    JSM Employee Self Service Software is 100% customizable. In case you have any special needs JSMTPL can customize the Employee Self Service Software as per your specific needs at a nominal cost. In case you require any special report specific to your organizational needs that too can be done.

Implementation Support

JSMTPL shall help you in entering all Masters. We shall understand your business logic and guide you in inputting these in JSM Leave and Attendance Software. JSM has world class senior team who have a minimum of 100 clients past experience in implementation.

    Training Support

    JSM provides extensive Training to all users to get up to speed in the shortest possible time. JSM's proven and tested Training Methodology helps you in understanding the numerous features in JSM Employee Self Service . At the start of the implementation JSM charts out the Training Map and by the end of Implementation users gain valuable expertise of the usage of the software.


    After JSM completes Implementation and Training of all uses free Maintenance starts for a fixed period. JSM shall take care of any queries you may have during this period. The free Maintenance period lets you get settled down in the software. After you have developed confidence in the software and had a few months successful operation JSMTPL encourages you to sign up for the paid Maintenance. Here you get cost effective support on a annual basis along with new versions and updates.

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